Monday, September 8, 2008

The Journey Begins

Well I have decided that by any means neccesary I will take the story of Lwanda Magere to the silver screen. Yes there is a completed script registered with the WGA-West( for those who would like to read it I can provide the registration #/script). For those who don't know the story Lwanda was a mytical warrior. An African Achilles. Fondly referred to as the Stone Man.
It is time that Hollywood wakes up and recognizes that there is more to Africa than poverty, hunger and the "screaming African". That Africa is a nation with a proud heritage.. of kings, warriors, music, dance and beautiful people.
So far the people who have read it have loved it... here are some quotes
"I could not put it down"
" It is Braveheart meets Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon"
"I really enjoyed the story, and the general suspense kept me wondering when will I see the link to what i know. The writing is beautiful and flows well."
"This is a beautiful story… I wish to one day to see it on screen. It really went from battles, to love scenes etc so it touches you emotionally."

I am shopping this script around to either get it sold or to get representation( as in manager or agent). Any help you can provide will be much appreciated. It's time to see Djimon Honsou in the role of the proud African warrior!!
Below find a synopsis of the story

In the midst of a tribal war, a mysterious warrior appears. He is invincible.

No weapon penetrates his body. He is known to all as the stone man.

In the midst of turmoil a poignant love grows.

But for peace to be maintained a sacrifice must be made.

A sacrifice that tests the limits of true love.

Who shall be bound by love and who shall be bound by duty?

I have other scripts some completed and some which I am working on but this one is closest to my heart. So if you know an agent, studio exec, manager or even someone who has some money they would like to invest in a story that shines a positive light on strong Africans, please send them my way.
I will soon be posting some art work done by a brilliant artist, Peter Gikandi. You can see his work here His renderings will visually transport you to the mighty warriors I hope to bring to the silver screen. Also look out for some excerpts from the script. Come on people together we can make this happen!!!!


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to read your words, and then to see them made into a feature. If there is anything I or the Brothers Grinn can do to help you please let us know.

Unknown said...

Proud of you Magic.